“The Boy Foretold by the Stars” is a romantic coming-of-age drama about two young boys, whose fate as soulmates is believed to have been written in the stars. Dominic, a senior high school student at St. Francis Academy, seeks out a fortuneteller named Baby R, whose reputation is unparalleled in the field of matchmaking. Baby R reads Dominic’s future and tells him that he will meet his soulmate in the upcoming retreat called Journey with the Lord. She gives him three signs that will point to the boy foretold by the stars. At first Dominic, believes that it could be Paul, his childhood crush, who is one of the participants in the retreat. But fate has another plan as his efforts to get close to Paul is misdirected by destiny and is pushed toward Luke, a brokenhearted boy. One by one, the signs that Baby R said come into fruition as Dominic spends time with Luke. All is well as he feels that he has found what he has been looking for. But falling in love with a straight boy in a catholic all-boys school comes with a price. Luke struggles to keep up with his friendship with Dominic and faces peer pressure from his friends. Things get more complicated with the return of Luke’s ex-girlfriend. With the pressure of society and the status quo that reigns rampant threatening to turn their reality into nothing but a fool’s dream, Dominic and Luke try to survive the challenges posed by their environment and prove that the stars have predetermined who we are destined to fall in love with.