The movie tells the story of a mysterious creature called Dilim, who roams the streets at night and does vigilante work, saving innocent victims by literally devouring the villains. A do-good policeman goes hot on Dilim’s trail, setting off a series of dangerous encounters, bloodbath, and rude awakenings.
Director: Topel Lee
Writers: Sigfreid Barros-Sanchez, Hector Macaso
Stars: Mario Magallona, Rica Peralejo, Emilio Garcia, Archi Adamos, Bombi Plata, Ermie Concepcion, Randy Punsal, Tado, Raul Morit, Becki Maraishi, Miguel Reyes, Jacob Dionisio, Jan Urbano, Peggy Rico Tuazon, E.J. Arzelius, Rane, Lalaine Enriquez, Angel De Leon