An ex-military sniper who was honorably discharged accepts a mission that will indefinitely change her life in the attempts to make ends meet. It is a quiet character study of when your life’s purpose is stripped away, but you still pursue it, only to realise that it could kill you.
Director: Paul Soriano
Writers: Lav Diaz, Paul Soriano
Stars: Bela Padilla, Ronnie Lazaro, Felix Roco, Dino Imperial, Alan Paule, Joel Saracho, Richard Manabat, Erlinda Villalobos, Raffy Tejada, Mariel Santos, Harry Jamie Nanta, Wynndel Capablanc, Billy Senn, Caribal Comawas, Santino Oquendo, Erica Salibio, Ronald Del Rosario, Rommel Casama Jr.