When 3 tons of cocaine land on the shores of a peaceful seaside community, two surfers Ding and Carlo must decide whether the lure of riches is worth risking family and freedom. With special participation of Matteo Guidicelli as Paul. Mina-Anud is inspired by true events.
Paradise is upturned when 3 tons of cocaine wash up on the peaceful shores of a fishing village. Two local surfers must decide if the lure of a richer tomorrow is really worth risking family and freedom.
Director: Kerwin Go
Writers: Stephen Lopez, Kerwin Go
Stars: Raven Lorenz Eusebio, Rino Gutierrez, Vince Aaron Guimeroy, Ernamae Rosita, Jenny Rose Retes, Alban Andrada, Jerald Napoles, Elmar Flores, Joey Pinera, Owen Cruz, Rolly Catchuela, Karl Andrei Camposano, Leeana Louis Cruz, Leinard Sabijon, Marcos Anthony Albis, Nella Sapa, Samantha Mae David, Arabelle Sabison