On the 12th of September 2020, 5 stunning intelligent women were crowned Baroness Global, Countess Global, Duchess Global and Queen Global in the first annual international pageant for transgender women from around the globe. MISS TRANS GLOBAL 2020! HERE IS WHAT HAPPENED ABOVE…
● Mela Franco Habijan, Miss Trans Global Philippines is Miss Trans Global, Queen Global 2020
● Rebeckah Loveday, Miss Trans Global Australia is Duchess Global,
1st Runner Up, Miss Trans Global 2020
● Veso Golden, Miss Trans Global Ghana is Marchioness Global,
2nd runner Up, Miss Trans Global 2020
● Semakaleng Sma Mothapo, Miss Trans Global South Africa is Countess Global, 3rd Runner up, Miss Trans Global 2020
● Danielly Drugge, Miss Trans Global Sweden is Baroness Global, 4th Runner up, Miss Trans Global 2020