STATUS: (Complete)
Little Lord Fauntleroy, also known as Shoukoushi Ceddie, is a Japanese anime series produced by Nippon Animation in 1988 and was broadcast on the World Masterpiece Theater, an animation staple that showcased each year an animated version of a different classical book or story. The series is based on Frances Hodgson Burnett’s book, “Little Lord Fauntleroy”.
Thanks to user “ram page” for sharing this series.
Thanks to user “ram page” for sharing this series.
Thanks to user “ram page” for sharing this series.
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More power and support sa inyo sir ganda mo mga post nyo. More on sa mga nostalgic na cartoon tulad nito. romeo and julia, ang lihim na hardin. mga 90s na pambata. hoping po. SALAMAT SIR!
what i’ve seen are MGA MUNTING PANGARAP NI ROMEO and SI MARY AT ANG LIHIM NA HARDIN, is this what you’re asking for?
REMY, NOBODY’S GIRL is also available.
Hi po sir benjie…peter pan naman po sir yung napapa nood ko dati nung bata pa ako hehehe salamat po
good for you, the adventures of peter pan tagalog dubbed available.
just wait till it’s posted.