Stay-In Love is a 2020 Philippine comedy drama television series starring Maris Racal and Kokoy De Santos, directed by Rod Marmol. The series premiered on November 24, 2020, under Cignal Entertainment line produced by Cornerstone (CS) Studios and broadcast by TV5.
Directed by: Rod Marmol
Starring: Kokoy De Santos, Maris Racal, Marc David, Ruffa Gutierrez, Bobby Andrews, Pooh, Ashley Colet, Welwel Silvestre, Denise Joaquin, Elsa Droga, Charm Aranton, Meanne
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Sir Benjie ? Please Fix This Series, (Stay-In Love) Because The Files Is Deleted Thank You In Advance.
sorry already dmca deleted.
Will this series be subbed?
From a international fan addicted to pinoy series 🙂
i don’t think so since that’s an old series.