Freed from prison after avenging the death of his wife, a good cop finds his vow to live a peaceful life tested.
Berting (FPJ), a good cop tries his best to keep the oath that he made to his duty. After being convicted and jailed for twelve years for avenging his wife’s death, he swore to evade trouble and live a peaceful life with his daughter Angela (Julie Vega). But how long can he remain inaction if good people and the law do nothing as criminal elements continue to victimize innocent people.
Director: Fernando Poe Jr.
Writer: Fred Navarro
Stars: Fernando Poe Jr., Marianne de la Riva, Julie Vega, Paquito Diaz, Johnny Wilson, Vic Diaz, Victor Bravo, Vic Varrion, Buddy Dator, King Gutierrez, Don Pepot, Ernie David, Edmund Cupcupin, Rene Hawkins, Amay Bisaya, Fred Montilla, Zernan Manahan, Joe Estrada